

What data do we collect?

  • First name, Last Name, Email, Country, Phone if provided

  • Profile links to authentication partners. This data is collected on the basis of consent.

How do we collect your data?

When you:

  • Register for the site
  • Link an account to an authentication partner
  • Use or view our website

How will we use your data?

  • Provide registration functionality for puzzle hunt
  • Provide functionality for users to collaborate in teams
  • To be able to contact you for giving clues and for technical issues.
  • To display stats after each event. No personal information is revealed, just e.g number of participants and number of participants per country.

How do we store your data?

  • We securely store your data on the platform following industry standards, including hashed and salted passwords.

How do we use cookies?

  • To keep you logged in. We don't use it for anything else.

I want my data deleted. How do I proceed?

  • Send an email to from your email registered on the site describing that you want your data deleted.