Big Ben
Note: The game has now ended and the physical components of this task have been taken down. One was directed to an area with a router broadcasting different wifi SSIDs. These are: 🌍 ankyroid ✈️ borborology 🌋 pteryla 🐛 natable 🌱 otoscope 🍺 inappetent 🐒 ichthyophagous 🚥 astrogony 🎮 eulogomania 👩 fusillation 🌞 suede 💾 latebricole
Eventually you have to move. It may be VERY slippery now when it has rained. You can go around to avoid the steep slope. You should maybe even be able to reach it without going down the slope.
If you should need a password you can try whatever
The image links to a CMYK-tiff with two colors with values you can read as coordinates. Going to the coordinates takes you to a tree with a box transmitting WiFi. There are two SSIDs transmitted, where the one named "cool puzzle" is just for admin. The other SSID has an emoji and a word. When connecting to the second SSID using the password "whatever", that SSID gets replaces with a new emoji and word. In total there are 12 different SSIDs that you need to get. Sorting all emojis by the time of creation of the object depicted and then taking the first letter of each corresponding word gets you the word saponifiable.
Total finishes:
# Team Time 1 Chicken Yeah! 01:37:20 2 eniteam 02:31:12 3 WinDreamHack 02:31:16 4 Agent Bauer 03:38:34 5 Krusty krab 03:45:30 6 A.I.L.P (And in Last Place) 04:08:10 7 D*LOCKers 04:23:02 8 What the Duck 04:54:29 9 Soffliggargruppen 06:52:34 10 2b2t raid 17:07:27