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  • Theory of Relativity

  • Answer


    kenny leckremo


  • Solution

    From each of the three circles, there are related words to be found within the words describing each image, with numbers telling how many letters should be extracted. Taking the first letter from each extracted word gives another word. Upper left circle (body parts): manCHESTer united, electric cHAIR, good yEAR, ARMenia, rotten tomaTOEs. Each first letter: CHEAT. Upper right circle (sports words): superBOWl, wheelbARROW, interNET explorer, reD ART games, spINNING jenny, sTEAM. Each first letter: BANDIT. Lower cencer circle (animals): PIG tail, who wants to be a milLIONaire, stEELix, sANTa claus, watch DOGs. Each first letter: PLEAD. Now, one should extract the given number of letters from these three words (there's only one possibility for each word): HEAT, BAND, LEAD. The LEAD singer of the BAND H.E.A.T is kenny leckremo

  • Stats

    Total finishes:

    # Team Time
    1 enignyatics 00:30:42
    2 eniteam 00:37:24
    3 Chicken Yeah! 01:45:36
    4 What the Duck 03:02:37
    5 D*LOCKers 06:52:40
    6 Agent Bauer 09:13:06