Blow my Mind
The first hint to solve this is the faint letter "E" in the image. This is a hint that the line adjacent to the letter means "E". Following each line from the root, there are always three nodes along the way, and each segment between nodes jumps over 0, 1, or 2 lines. This way you can interpret any line as a three-digit ternary number. This system can describe numbers up to 27, which is a good hint that interpreting the numbers as letters could give something nice. In this case the word tinderbox.
Total finishes:
# Team Time 1 Much Owl Multi-Fail Vafan 00:08:57 2 UWCS 00:19:45 3 Cheatahs 00:23:45 4 chaika 00:32:51 5 megaleech 00:55:32 6 Best beans 01:03:00 7 Not Team Space 01:11:00 8 ATasteOfMindBurn 01:24:42 9 eniteam 01:46:40 10 Travel Cthulhu 02:14:34 11 VeggieChickens 02:38:37 12 um 02:42:05 13 TriMarco 02:57:45 14 Bronies 03:02:24 15 Just a team 03:02:34 16 Step-raffe i'm !stuck 03:03:36 17 Kattass 03:04:25 18 Soffliggargruppen 03:32:34 19 👁️🥫👕🐝🍂🦉 03:56:59 20 Cool Dudes 05:15:33 21 The Eldtuppz 05:35:40 22 Strobe Light Syzygy 05:39:41 23 table_flip 07:49:06 24 PhDisc 08:23:04 25 Backflip 08:24:29 26 #mdbot 08:45:50 27 Just Zis Guy, Y'know? 09:03:57 28 Weird Lex & The Aladdin Chickens 09:45:51 29 ostfabriken 10:41:13 30 Puzzlebrains 11:24:37 31 Speedy Roadtripperz 11:36:17 32 Bumbibjörnarna 11:42:43 33 bletchley park 11:53:28 34 Cucu 12:57:49 35 Simps 12:59:46 36 hK 13:54:04 37 Joat 14:11:43 38 Take the cannolli, leave the gun 15:28:13 39 Simplex 17:06:55 40 Agent Bauer 18:49:12 41 Fractal Mind Shift 23:12:25 42 YOLO_SWAGGINS 24:19:14 43 Blubb-di-blubb 29:19:34 44 jgr 32:56:18 45 Säkerhets-SM 40:30:18 46 SeptaCube 5307:02:59